Having trouble selling your home? Looking to give it that extra something to attract a wide range of prospective buyers? Then it might be time to hire a stager.
Once you’ve made the decision to bring in a stager, you must find the right person for you. Not every stager is the same, and you’ll want to make sure the person you choose has a vision you can get behind.
The first thing you should do when deciding among stagers is look at their portfolios and see what they have done for other homes. If you don’t like their previous work, it’s a good bet that you might not like what they do for you.
Even if you’re not pleased with what you see, a conversation about their thoughts and vision is warranted. Remember that a stager is an artist, and they may have ideas for your home that aren’t showcased in their book or even on their website. Be sure to tell them your ideas, listen to theirs, and see if you can come up with a happy medium.
When choosing a stager, it’s also a good idea to get references and ask about their experience staging in your local area. Remember, a stager is a professional who is trained to know exactly what house hunters are looking for, so even if it’s not your cup of tea, if they have had success getting homes sold in your neighborhood, you might want to trust in their opinion.
You’ll also want to ensure that the stager you choose isn’t making your home look like every other home they have previously staged. Remember, the whole reason for hiring someone is to make your home stand out. If they’re bringing in the same furniture and colors that they use in countless other homes, it might not be making the statement you want.
The cost of a stager should also play a role in your decision. You don’t want to be paying more than you can afford, even if it does mean having your home look exquisite while on the market, so make sure you choose a stager who’s within your budget.
One thing many sellers don’t think about when hiring a stager is insurance, however, this is a key area that can’t be overlooked. Be sure the stager you ultimately pick is insured just in case an unforeseen accident happens while in your home, or a piece of antique furniture they bring in breaks.
Finally, choose someone who you can talk with and work with favorably. You don’t want to be butting heads with the person who’s trying to help you sell your home. Find someone whose talent you admire, is open to dialogue and has experienced success. Once you do, your home stager will help you and your home on the way to a sale.
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