A focus on energy efficiency is the most important development and design strategy that is making new housing greener, according to a recent industry survey.
McGraw Hill Construction’s (MHC) data and analytics team surveyed a set of NAHB single-family and multifamily members in 2013. The survey found that 62 percent of single-family builders and 54 percent of multifamily developers are doing more than 15 percent of their projects as green. For single-family, 19 percent of builders are doing more than 90 percent of projects as green. The survey indicates that increasing consumer interest is a reason for growth in this area. MHC defines a green home as “one that is either built to a recognized green building standard or an energy- and water-efficient home that also addresses indoor air quality and/or resource efficiency.”
According to the report, 75 percent of single-family and 84 percent of multifamily builders indicated that improved energy efficiency was a factor making their projects more green than two years ago.
The second leading factor was improved indoor environmental quality. Fifty-eight percent of single-family builders and 55 percent of multifamily developers cited this as a reason why their current projects are more green.
Other leading factors include more water-conserving products/practices and material conservation and recycling.
However, the data from the survey also show that only 11 percent of single-family builders and remodelers are constructing homes that are greener in 2013 than in 2011. This result makes sense given the start-and-stop nature of the housing recovery and tight credit conditions of recent years.
View this original post on the NAHB Eye on Housing blog.
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