Ever fancied robots delivering your parcels right at your doorstep? The all new prime Air drone may actually make this a reality. Sounds interesting, does it not? Let’s take it even a step further. Experts feel that these drones can also be used for carrying any sort of cargo from one place to another. What if this could help with building houses? Indeed, this is possible.
The industry experts analyzed all the information that is available about drones and determined that if a house with an area of 2,500 square foot had to be constructed, it would require nearly 160 drones. Together, they can complete the basic construction in just 64 minutes. They can even deliver the materials, but over 61,000 of these drones would be required for it if the involved distances are around 20 miles. So how did they come up these figures? Let us take a closer look.
On an average, a house takes up an area of 2,500 square feet. As far as building materials are concerned, there is quite a wide range which includes a number of options. Of these, brick is the most classic choice and so the entire analysis is based on this. Across the country, the average size of a brick is 8 x 3.5 x 2.75 inches and the weight is around 5 pounds. If the walls are kept around 8 inches deep and the roof is flat, over 61,200 bricks will be needed.
Now let us talk about an important factor: the weight. Can a drone pick up a brick? A brick weighs around 5 pounds, and luckily that is approximately the weight which a drone can carry. So transporting these bricks will not be a problem. Will the drones be able to place them next to each other at the construction site without any accidents? Yes, if 16 drones are at work, this will be possible without any damage being caused. A drone is roughly around 17 inches in width and length, and if the walls of the house are 50 ft wide, all the drones can be made to work simultaneously.
So is this going to be of any use to the future home builders? Yes, as long as they can afford the initial investment, using drones to construct a house will reduce both the time and labor involved. Let us see if the industry taps into this opportunity.
Source: www.realestate.msn.com
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