Is the honeymoon phase over with your new or current home?  When you shop for you shop for a home you may get caught up in the granite counters, the crown molding, the fancy bathroom.  Chances are that you might have overlooked the limited amount of storage space, inconvenient parking, or the awkward location of a window or door. As the honeymoon phase with your new home fades, the flaws become a little more pronounced – a little more inconvenient.

Sometimes there is an easy fix.  That tiny bedroom will look better if you downsize your furniture. You can add storage by adding shelving or buying bookcases.  You can add privacy with drapery, blinds, and fences.

There is no such thing as having too much storage and too many closets.  A good staging can disguise this important feature. As you house hunt, always remember the amount of storage needed for your lifestyle and belongings.

Location and commute time is more often not researched than researched during the home buying search. Try the commute both ways at the appropriate times for your needs before you purchase.  Is it “doable”?  Talk to people in the neighborhood with similar commutes.  Research the ebbs and flows at different points in the year.

Who will be living on either side of you?  Will it be a loud, party family or the early riser yard crew?  One of the best ways to find out what’s going on in the neighborhood is to chat up the neighbors. One thing you can do is visit the house during morning rush hour, afternoon, or evening.  You will be able to observe families and neighbors as they leave for jobs, school, and other activities.

Most people flip lights and faucets on and off when they tour a home just to make sure they get the expected result.  Verify that plumbing and wiring is sufficient for your specific needs. Flipping a bedroom light on and off doesn’t compare to a busy morning with two blow-dryers and an electric shaver running while the microwave heats breakfast, the air conditioning clicks on and the TV blasts the traffic report.  Your inspector can check all of these items.

Check out the parking space for your vehicles.  It’s a great home for you, but does it fit your car? Some neighborhoods have rules about parking in the driveway or on the street. So if you have a preference or other plans for your new garage, it’s smart to check any covenants before committing.

Privacy is a factor that some buyers overlook until it’s too late. Do a quick test run and think about the home and what you plan to do there. Then take an hour and walk through your experience of how you live in the house on a daily basis.  Picture yourself in your new home but don’t forget to think about the space you need, the size and number of vehicles, and find a way to quietly observe neighbors before you sign any contract.

Source: 6 Must-have Features for Your next Home.” 6 Must-Have Features For Your Next Home. NWeb. 15 Nov. 2012

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